Gmail receiving limits in Google Workspace

To keep Gmail efficient and accounts safe, Google limits the number of messages you can receive. If your account receives many automated messages, it's more likely your account will reach the message limit.

When an account reaches the limit,  you can't receive any new messages. The account might also have general problems, for example slow searching. Any new incoming messages bounce back to the sender.

If you're locked out of your Gmail account, an administrator can:

These Gmail limits apply to all editions and can't be increased. The limits may change without notice.

Description All email addressed to the account. Might appear as threaded and non-threaded Gmail conversations.
Per minute 60
Per hour 3,600
Per day 86,400
Size limit

You can receive emails of up to 50 MB.

Note: To send file attachments larger than 25 MB, use Google Drive or other file-sharing services.

Attachment limit You can receive up to 500 attachments per single email.

How long does a suspension last?

If an account reaches a receiving limit, the restriction on getting new mail typically lasts for about 24 hours. After 24 hours, receiving limits are automatically reset and the account can get mail. When an account is reset, messages sent to the account during the restricted period can't be recovered.


Use Google Groups

To avoid reaching the receiving limit, send message logs and automated emails to Google Groups. Use Groups to read large or frequently mailed announcements. Using Groups helps avoid going over the receiving limits for your Gmail account. Sending automated emails to a Groups account reduces the number of messages sent to your email account. Using Groups lets you take advantage of the receiving limits for both email and Groups.

When using Groups to reduce incoming messages to your Gmail account, keep in mind:

Accounts best practices

  • Avoid using a single account for multiple users.
  • Use Google Groups for sharing mail.
  • Map 10 or fewer email aliases per account.
  • Use groups to create shared mailboxes or to allow many people to send and receive mail with a single address.

Avoid using catch-all accounts

Spammers often try to guess email addresses in your domain. When they guess incorrectly, the spam is delivered to the catch-all address. The high mail volume can quickly reach Gmail’s limits.

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