If you are going to contact your domain host to assist in creating a CNAME record to verify ownership of your domain name, here is a sample explanation that you can use to clarify the process (over the phone or email this to your host):
"I recently signed up for a service called Google Workspace. It allows me to use Google applications with my domain name. My domain is hosted with you and I need help in creating a CNAME record. To verify that I own my domain name, I want to create a special CNAME record. Since Google is not a domain host, they aren't able to create the CNAME record.
The information I have from Google is a unique string for the CNAME record and a destination.
The string is [look in the control panel]. It will look similar to gv-trevcl6ccmt5yk.dv.googlehosted.com.
The destination is google.com.Basically, there should be a CNAME record for [insert string].my_domain.com that points to googlehosted.com.
Remember to replace [my_domain.com] with your actual domain name.
Once the CNAME record is created correctly, I'll be able to use several of the Google applications for my domain."
Note: Don't forget to check your CNAME record.