You can prevent guns & firearm ads from serving with:
- "General categories" blocks
- "Advertisers and brands" blocks
- "Advertiser URL" blocks
- Blocks in the Ad review center
Sensitive category blocks don’t include guns & firearm ads.
"General categories" blocks
To use a "General categories" block to control guns & firearm ads, follow the steps in this article. After step 7:
- Navigate to Business & Industrial Security Equipment & Services.
- Select Guns & Firearms.
"Advertisers and brands" blocks
To block advertisers and brands related to guns & firearms, follow the steps in this article.
Google doesn’t maintain or provide a comprehensive list of advertisers/brands associated with guns & firearms manufacturing, sales, training, or advocacy.
"Advertiser URLs" blocks
Use advertiser URL blocking to control ads leading to domains related to guns & firearms—if you know what those domains are.
Blocks in the Ad review center
Use the Ad review center to find and block specific guns & firearm ads that you see on your site/app.