Increase eCPM and fill rate for video

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The following techniques can be used to increase your overall eCPM and fill rate for video. Depending on your goal, you may want to focus on just one optimization, or both. Different sets of recommendations are shown for each.

Increase eCPM

Increase pre-roll video inventory

Pre-roll ads have higher demand than mid-roll and post-roll ads.

Configure minimum CPM based on video inventory demand

If the floor price (minimum CPM) for your video inventory rules are too high, your fill rate could suffer.

You set different minimum CPMs for inventory with different demand patterns. For example, if one site receives more traffic than another, it is likely more attractive to advertisers, and may receive higher bids. To optimize your video ad revenue, you may need to decrease the minimum CPM for inventory that receives less traffic.

Learn more about best practices and optimization tips.

Take advantage of Preferred Deal or Private Auction opportunities

Learn more about Preferred Deals or Private Auctions and contact your account team to identify opportunities.

Increase fill rate

Allow overlay ads

Overlay ads add a source of demand to serve when there isn’t a TrueView or standard video ad available.

Monitor the minimum CPMs set up in your video rules

If your minimum CPMs are too high, you may filter out a significant number of the advertiser bids on your inventory and as a result not serve ads.

Set the description URL parameter in your ad tags

If the content URL (the URL where the video ad is shown) cannot be detected programmatically, the description URL can be used to categorize and rate the content on the page. Advertisers can see the content category (vertical) and rating (G, Teen, Mature, and Not Rated).

Remove any unnecessary buyer or advertiser blocks*

The blocking options that you apply to your account can impact your coverage. Any ads that you block won't compete in the auction on your site. Blocking options include the following:

  • Block too many buyers and advertisers
  • Block general categories
  • Block advertiser URLs 
  • Non-opted into ad technologies
  • Limit the maximum allowed ad duration via:
    • Pricing rules
    • Maximum ad duration settings
  • Improper use of the IMA SDK

Learn more about protections.

* This excludes sensitive categories and known sales channel conflicts.

Increase eCPM and fill rate

Use TrueView video ads

TrueView ads are skippable video ads that allow viewers to skip the ad after 5 seconds. The advertiser is only charged for engaged viewers, or those that have watched 30 seconds of the ad or until completion, whichever comes first.

  • There is more demand for TrueView ads over other video ad types because advertisers only pay for engaged views.
  • Trafficking TrueView ads can help publishers retain more viewers by giving the viewer the option whether or not to watch an ad. Some viewers would rather leave the site than watch an ad.

To use TrueView ads, ensure eligibility with the Video inventory restrictions and contact your account team.

Ensure maximum ad duration for your video ads is at least 30 seconds

You can increase the demand for your inventory by increasing the number of eligible ads. To do this, allow a higher maximum ad duration for your video ads.

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