Local currencies are available in reports for the following countries. If your country isn't in this list, you'll have reports in U.S. dollars or Euros.
Country | Currency |
Australia | Australian Dollar |
Austria | Euro |
Belgium | Euro |
Canada | Canadian Dollar |
Cyprus | Euro |
Czechia | Czech Koruna |
Denmark | Krone |
Finland | Euro |
France | Euro |
Germany | Euro |
Hungary | Hungarian Forint |
Italy | Euro |
Israel | Israeli Shekel |
Japan | Yen |
Luxembourg | Euro |
Malta | Euro |
Mexico | Mexican Peso |
Monaco | Euro |
Netherlands | Euro |
Norway | Krone |
Portugal | Euro |
San Marino | Euro |
Slovakia | Euro |
Slovenia | Euro |
South Africa | South African Rand |
Spain | Euro |
Sweden | Krona |
Switzerland | Franc |
Turkey | Turkish Lira |
United Kingdom | British Pound |
Vatican | Euro |
Exchange rate for local currency reports
We use the previous day's market rate to generate local currency reports.
Note: Learn more about changing your reporting currency.