Secured express delivery allows you to receive your check payments sent by a fast, reliable courier service for a fee. Payments typically arrive within 5-10 business days. Depending the specific delivery service in your location, a tracking number may be included with your payment details.
Complete the following steps to sign up for secure express delivery.
- Sign in to your AdMob account at
- Click Payments in the sidebar.
- In the How you get paid section, click Add payment method.
- Select Check - Secured Express Delivery. You'll also see the fee for your particular location.
- Click Continue.
- Select your desired currency from the drop-down list. You may choose to receive payment in USD or in your local currency (if available).
- Click Save.
Please be aware that Google is not responsible for any secured express delivery payments which may be returned due to an issue with your address. If you wish to receive payments by secured express delivery, please contact the courier in your location to confirm that they will provide service to your address and that it is in the proper format.
In addition, note that publishers with payment addresses in certain countries will have their standard delivery payments mailed by courier by default. Publishers in China will have standard delivery payments mailed by Hong Kong post.