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Introducing the new Policy centre

Updates to the Policy centre

We’re excited to announce a significant redesign of the Policy centre. The Policy centre’s newest features, like reporting the amount of ad requests affected by policy issues and advanced filters, aim to help you better understand, prioritise and resolve issues.

What is the Policy centre?

The Policy centre is a tool that helps you adhere to our programme policies and restrictions. Use the Policy centre to discover, understand and resolve issues that affect ad serving in your apps. 

Welcome to Inside the Policy center

What’s changing? 

To make it easier to understand how your account is affected, we’re introducing an overall account health summary at the top of the Policy centre that shows the status of ad serving across your apps. For example, you’ll be able to see at a glance how many apps are affected by issues and what percentage of your ad requests are restricted or disabled. 

The Ad Mob interface showing an intro to the new policy centre including health summary.

We’re also introducing more ways to filter and sort in the Policy centre. When you access the Policy centre, issues are automatically sorted by the number of ad requests. You can also sort by app name, status, type of issue or date reported. To sort by any of these categories, click the category name. 

Example of using the Ad Mob policy centre to monitor policy issues.

We’ve also made it easier to filter issues. To find the Must fix issues, navigate to the top of the Policy centre and click on the number in the Must fix category. You can also filter by ad serving status by clicking on the numbers in the Disabled ad serving or Restricted ad serving categories. Clicking a number in a category creates a filter for you. You can also click Add filter

Lastly, you now have the ability to download a CSV file that contains the details of your apps with issues. Click Download CSV and choose Download all items or Download filtered view to create your file. 

What's next?

Check out the new Policy centre by signing in to your AdMob account and clicking Policy centre in the sidebar. 

Go to Policy centre



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Show your support to promote DEI in Gaming by turning intentions into action!

Check out the newly launched Diversity in Gaming website, where you can find video stories and written pledges from global gaming developers. This campaign centers on 3 pillars: diverse teams, diverse games and diverse audiences showing how diversity is not just good for gamers, but for business as well. Show your support by taking the pledge to promote DEI in Gaming and share it on social!

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