Manage access to manager accounts

You can add users to your manager account to let them access all of its sub-accounts.

Before you begin

To access Ads Creative Studio, users must have a Google Account or create one.

View users

You can see the current users for your account and their access levels.

  1. Sign in to your Ads Creative Studio manager account.
  2. Click Settings and then Access and security.
  3. If you also want to see the users for sub-accounts, switch the toggle to Show users in full hierarchy.

Give someone access

To add a user to your account, you must have an Admin role.

  1. Sign in to your Ads Creative Studio manager account.
  2. Click Settings and then Access and security.
  3. Click Add .
  4. By default, you'll add the user to the current manager account. Under Account, you can select a sub-account instead.
  5. Enter the email address of the person you're inviting.
  6. Select an access level. To add a user with "Admin" access to a sub-account, you must have ownership of that account.
  7. Click Send invitation. They'll receive an email invitation. Once they accept the invitation, they'll be able to sign in to the account.

About access levels

Each time you give someone access to your manager account, you'll assign the user an access level. The access level determines which features are available in the manager account as well as in sub-accounts, including both client accounts and sub-manager accounts.

Access levels for manager accounts

Account access level
Read-only Edit Admin
View users
View the list of sub-accounts
Load sub-accounts
Create sub-accounts  
Edit users    

Access levels for linked client accounts

Client account feature
Manager account access level
Read-only Edit Admin
View users and account links
View projects, assets, and templates
Edit projects, assets, templates, and preview sheets  
Export projects  
Edit users and account links    
Adjust security settings    

Accept access

You’ll receive an invitation email if someone invites you to access an Ads Creative Studio manager account. To accept the invitation, click the appropriate link in the email and complete the steps that follow.

Remove access

To remove a user from your account, you must have an Admin role.

  1. Sign in to your Ads Creative Studio manager account.
  2. Click Settings and then Access and security.
  3. Find the user you want to remove, and in the "Actions" column, click Remove access.

Edit access level

To change someone's access level, you must have an Admin role.

  1. Sign in to your Ads Creative Studio manager account.
  2. Click Settings and then Access and security.
  3. Place your cursor over a user's access level in the "Access level" column, then click the arrow that appears to select a new access level for the user.

Move a user to another account

To move a user to another account, you must have an Admin role.

  1. Sign in to your Ads Creative Studio manager account.
  2. Click Settings and then Access and security.
  3. Switch the toggle to Show users in full hierarchy.
  4. Place your cursor over a user's account in the "Account" column, then click the edit icon that appears.
  5. Select a new account for the user.
  6. Click Change Account.
  7. Click Change access to confirm.

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