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GDPR overview and guidance

Publish my European regulations message for me using Google's CMP

This article describes the European regulations message Google will set up for you if you don’t publish your own by January 16, 2024.

Beginning January 16, 2024, publishers will be required to use a Google-certified Consent Management Platform (CMP) when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area and the UK. If you don't currently have a suitable European regulations message, you'll be invited to choose a European regulations message option when you sign in to your AdSense account. If you choose to create a European regulations message but don't publish it by January 16, 2024, we’ll publish a default European regulations message for you using Google's own CMP. You can customize this European regulations message later.

You can switch to another CMP at any time. You're welcome to use any Google-certified CMP. If you choose to use another CMP, our systems will detect this and we won't set up a European regulations message for you on January 16, 2024.

Confirm your GDPR consent options

Before your European regulations message goes live, you'll need to sign in to AdSense to finish setting up your message. We’ll need some information about the consent choices you want to show your site visitors.

In the "Confirm consent options in your European regulations message" dialog, decide whether you want to include the Do not consent option. If included, your message will present your users with a choice to not consent to your ad partners and your ad partners’ purposes with a single click on the first page of the message.

Your message will either show:

If you don't sign in to your account before January 16, 2024, your consent message will show Consent, Manage options, and Do not consent. Note that you can change your GDPR settings at any time.

Default European regulations message settings

If we publish a European regulations message for you, it will have the following default settings:

GDPR setting Description Default value
Site URL The site URL or domain of your site. Your site's URL.
Language The language in which the message will be displayed. We'll attempt to detect the language of your site and set this as the language of the message. If we can't, we'll use the default language in your AdSense account; otherwise, English.
User consent options The user consent options displayed to site visitors in the message.

This will be set to the consent options you choose in AdSense.

If you don't choose an option, then your consent message will show: "Consent, Do not consent, or Manage options". Your message won't include a "Close" option

Styling The format and styling of the message. No customization of fonts, styles, colors, etc.
Privacy policy URL Your site's privacy policy URL. This will be set to your site's URL initially.
Note: You must update this to your site's privacy policy URL. A privacy policy page is required by the Google EU User Consent Policy.
Logo The logo associated with your site. Turned off.
Consent revocation link A link to allow the site visitor to revoke consent for the use of cookies/personalized ads on your site. Automatically added to your site.
Ad partners Under the Google EU User Consent Policy, you must identify each ad partner that receives the personal data of users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and UK and provide information about the use of that data.

"Commonly used ad partners". This is a preselected list of ad partners (formerly referred to as "ad technology providers").

If you previously selected "custom ad partners" in your GDPR settings, we will use your selected ad partners.

Legitimate interest controls The legitimate interest controls displayed to site visitors in the message. All options will be turned on and displayed.

Customize your European regulations message

You can change the text and format elements of your default message at any time. Some settings you might want to update include:

Learn more about European regulations messages.

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