The following ad blocking settings are available for blocking controls experiments:
- General ad categories (including first level sub-categories)
- Sensitive ad categories
- Ad serving opt-outs
Note: You can only run one blocking controls experiment at a time.
Create a blocking controls experiment
- Sign in to your AdSense account.
- Click Optimisation, then Experiments.
- If you have other experiments running, click New experiment.
- In the 'Blocking controls' card, click Create experiment.
- Give your experiment a name.
- Select the experiment setting that you want to test from the drop-down (e.g. 'Sensitive ad categories').
- Click Add.
- In the window that opens, click Allowed or Blocked next to each category or ad serving opt-out that you want to compare in your experiment.
- Click Done.
- Select whether you'd like Google to choose the winner for you. Google will automatically apply the winning setting after your experiment has finished.
- Click Create. Your experiment now moves into the 'running' state and we start collecting data.
Note: You might have to wait a few days for the initial results of your experiment to appear.