About call assets

You can show your phone number with your ads by using call assets. Call assets let you add phone numbers to your ads, which can significantly increase clickthrough rates. When your call assets show, people can tap or click a button to call your business directly or go to your website. That means more customer engagement with your ads and more chances to get and track valuable conversions.

As an example, let’s say you own a pizzeria in downtown Chicago, so you add a call asset to your campaign promoting deep-dish pizzas. If a visitor to the windy city searches for “Chicago pizza” on their phone and one of your ads is triggered, this visitor can click through to your website to read your menu or tap the call button on your ad to go straight to your ordering line.

In this article, you’ll learn how to create and edit call assets.

Before you begin

Call assets are the easiest way to add phone numbers to existing ads. If you attempt to include a phone number elsewhere in your ad text, it may lead to the disapproval of the ad. You can also create call campaigns. For more details, refer to About call campaigns.

Keep in mind

If you create call assets at different levels (account, campaign, or ad group), the most specific will be used. So when you add call assets to an ad group, those will show instead of your campaign- or account-level call assets. Likewise, campaign-level assets override account-level assets.

How it works

Here are key points to know about call assets:

  • Phone or website: When your call assets appear with your ad, people have access to your number. If their device can make calls, a clickable call button will be shown under your responsive search ad. On desktop devices, a "Call us" button will appear under your ad. When clicked, we'll show your provided phone number (or Google Forwarding Number if call reporting is enabled) along with a QR code. Scanning the QR code with a smartphone opens the phone's dialer with the listed number pre-populated. People can also click on your ad to go to your website.
  • Business hours: You can set numbers to appear only when your business can accept calls.
  • How you're charged: Clicks on your call asset on mobile devices and on the "Call us" button on desktop devices cost the same as headline clicks (a standard CPC).
  • Easy conversion tracking: You can count calls as conversions by turning on call reporting in your account. Only available on the Search Network, call reporting uses Google forwarding numbers to give you detailed conversion information.

For the best mix of local targeting and broader reach, you may also want to use location assets. When you use both location and call assets, ads that feature specific business locations may direct calls to the phone numbers that are associated with those locations, rather than the phone numbers set with your call assets. You can then gather call reporting data on your location assets ads and call assets ads to determine which asset type is performing better. Learn more About location assets


How to create call assets

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Assets drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Assets.
  4. Click the plus icon.
  5. Select Call from a list of choices. The “Add call asset” view then appears.
  6. Select whether you want to add the call asset to your Account, Campaign, or Ad group.
  7. Select Create new to make a new call asset, or Use existing if you’ve previously created a call asset.
    1. If you’re creating a new asset, enter your phone number.
    2. If you choose to use an existing asset, select your number from a list that appears.

Optional settings

  • If you haven't already enabled call reporting, you'll have the option to turn it on (recommended).
    • Call reporting, which runs on Google forwarding numbers, lets you measure the performance of your call assets, location assets and call ads. Learn more About call reporting.
  • Choose if you want to count conversions (recommended). Google Ads automatically creates a default call conversion type called “Calls from ads”. You can create your own custom conversion type by selecting Manage conversions from the drop down menu. Learn more About tracking calls from ads.
    • Note: Counting call conversions might affect your bids if you're using auto-bidding.
  • Under Advanced options, choose if you’d like to schedule your call asset to show only on certain days and hours—for example, only when your business is answering phone calls.

How to edit call assets in bulk within your account

If you’re using multiple call assets, you can edit and upload them in bulk.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Assets drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Assets.
  4. You’ll notice a table with all of your assets. From the “Table view” drop-down menu, select Association.
  5. Select Call from the list above the table toolbar.
  6. Check the boxes next to all call assets you want to edit.
  7. Click Edit assets in the blue bar above the table.
  8. Click Edit or Find and replace to make changes.
  9. Click Preview to view what your changes will look like.
  10. Click Apply to save your changes.
Tip: Remove assets from bulk uploads
If you want to remove assets from bulk uploads, complete steps 1-3 above. Check all the boxes next to assets you want to remove and click Remove in the blue bar, then select Confirm.

Account levels

You can add call assets at the account, campaign, or ad group levels. Call assets can run on Search campaigns and Smart campaigns. While call assets can be added to a Display campaign in Google Ads, they may not serve to users.

Call assets won't serve with every impression

Like other ad assets, call assets don't appear with every ad impression. When the ad auction runs, an algorithm determines whether to show the call assets, and any other assets to show next to it, based on historical performance and other factors. It is completely normal for call assets to appear for only a subset of total ad impressions. However, you can do bid adjustments to show your call interaction ads more often. Learn more about bid adjustments for interactions

How to view the performance of your call assets

After you add phone numbers to your ad, you’ll want to check how they’re working for your business. Learn how to Analyze your call reporting data.

How your call assets can appear

In some cases, your call asset may serve in a button format, similar to a call ad. This can occur when your campaign:

You can disable this functionality by changing any of the above criteria in your campaign.

Eligible numbers

Vanity numbers, premium numbers, and fax numbers aren’t acceptable numbers for call assets. Phone numbers will be verified to confirm they represent the business being promoted. Learn more about the policies under call asset requirements

When disclaimers might appear with your call assets

Call assets can be used with toll-free, standard, mobile, shared-cost, or non-standard cost numbers. If you use a shared-cost or non-standard cost number with your call asset, your asset will include a disclaimer saying that additional charges may apply. Here’s more information about both types:

  • Shared cost phone numbers use a billing method where calls to an international phone number are partially paid for by the recipient.
  • Non-standard cost numbers may not be included in a typical phone plan, so additional charges to your customer may apply.
Country-specific information

In some countries, you can use phone numbers that don’t cost the same as local numbers. This table provides which numbers you’re allowed to use (in addition to local numbers). If you use a non-standard cost number, a disclaimer will appear saying that additional charges may apply when people click the call button.

Country name Non-standard cost numbers

07000, 07005

Albania 0808
Algeria 0801 10, 0801 11, 0801 12, 0801 13, 0801 14, 0801 15, 0801 16, 0801 17, 0801 18, 0801 19, 0802 10, 0802 11, 0802 12, 0802 13, 0802 14, 0802 15, 0802 16, 0802 17, 0802 18, 0802 19
Armenia 0801, 0802, 0803, 0804
Austria 0810, 0820, 0821, 0828
Bosnia and Herzegovina 082

0800, 3003, 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4007, 4008, 4009

* Refer to the section below this table for additional information on call assets in Brazil

Czech Republic 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849
Germany 0180
Greece 801, 806, 812, 825
Ireland 1850, 1890
Israel 1-700, 1-809
Jordan 0810, 0850, 0851, 0852, 0853, 0854, 0855, 0856, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0870, 0871, 0872, 0873, 0874, 0875, 0876, 0877, 0878, 0879
Lebanon 090, 091
Liechtenstein 900 22, 900 27, 900 28, 900 79, 901 23, 906 66, 0900, 0901, 0906
Macedonia 0801, 0802, 0803, 0804, 0805, 0806, 0807, 0808, 0809, 0810, 0811, 0812, 0813, 0814, 0815, 0816, 0817, 0818, 0819, 0820, 0821, 0822, 0823, 0824, 0825, 0826, 0827, 0828, 0829, 0830, 0831, 0832, 0833, 0834, 0835, 0836, 0837, 0838, 0839, 0840, 0841, 0842, 0843, 0844, 0845, 0846, 0847, 0848, 0849, 0850, 0851, 0852, 0853, 0854, 0855, 0856, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0860, 0861, 0862, 0863, 0864, 0865, 0866, 0867, 0868, 0869, 0870, 0871, 0872, 0873, 0874, 0875, 0876, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880, 0881, 0882, 0883, 0884, 0885, 0886, 0887, 0888, 0889, 0890, 0891, 0892, 0893, 0894, 0895, 0896, 0897, 0898, 0899
Netherlands Antilles 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699
Norway 810 00, 810 01, 810 02, 810 03, 810 04, 810 05, 810 06, 810 20, 810 21, 810 22, 810 23, 810 24, 810 25, 810 26, 810 27, 810 28, 810 29, 810 30, 810 31, 810 32, 810 33, 810 34, 810 35, 810 36, 810 37, 810 38, 810 39, 810 40, 810 41, 810 42, 810 43, 810 44, 810 45, 810 46, 810 47, 810 48, 810 49, 810 50, 810 51, 810 52, 810 53, 810 54, 810 55, 810 56, 810 57, 810 58, 810 59, 810 60, 810 61, 810 62, 810 63, 810 64, 810 65, 810 66, 810 67, 810 68, 810 69, 810 70, 810 71, 810 72, 810 73, 810 74, 810 75, 810 76, 810 77, 810 78, 810 79, 810 80, 810 81, 810 82, 810 83, 810 84, 810 85, 810 86, 810 87, 810 88, 810 89
Pakistan 021 111, 022 111, 025 111, 040 111, 041 111, 042 111, 044 111, 046 111, 047 111, 048 111, 049 111, 051 111, 052 111, 053 111, 055 111, 056 111, 057 111, 061 111, 062 111, 063 111, 064 111, 065 111, 066 111, 067 111, 068 111, 071 111, 074 111, 081 111, 086 111, 091 111, 0232 111, 0233 111, 0235 111, 0238 111, 0242 111, 0243 111, 0244 111, 0292 111, 0293 111, 0294 111, 0295 111, 0296 111, 0297 111, 0298 111, 0453 111, 0454 111, 0457 111, 0459 111, 0542 111, 0543 111, 0544 111, 0546 111, 0547 111, 581111, 582111, 586111, 0604 111, 0606 111, 0608 111, 0722 111, 0723 111, 0726 111, 0822 111, 0823 111, 0824 111, 0825 111, 0826 111, 0828 111, 0829 111, 0832 111, 0833 111, 0835 111, 0837 111, 0838 111, 0843 111, 0844 111, 0847 111, 0848 111, 0852 111, 0853 111, 0855 111, 0856 111, 0922 111, 0932 111, 0937 111, 0938 111, 0939 111, 0942 111, 0943 111, 0944 111, 0945 111, 0946 111, 0963 111, 0965 111, 0966 111, 0969 111, 0992 111, 0993 111, 0944 111, 0995 111, 0996 111, 0997 111
Poland 0801
Réunion 0810, 0811, 0819, 0820, 0821, 0825, 0826, 0884, 0890
Romania 0801
Slovakia 0850, 0851, 0852, 0853, 0854, 0855, 0856, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0860, 0861, 0862, 0863, 0864, 0865, 0866, 0867, 0868, 0869, 0870, 0871, 0872, 0873, 0874, 0875, 0876, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880, 0881, 0882, 0883, 0884, 0885, 0886, 0887, 0888, 0889, 0890, 0891, 0892, 0893, 0894, 0895, 0896, 0897, 0898, 0899
Switzerland 0840, 0842, 0844, 0848
Tanzania 0840, 0860, 0861

More on call assets in Brazil

To use call assets in Brazil, make sure you include a carrier code for the carrier of your choice. For example, instead of "11 5555-1234", use "0XX11 5555 1234" (where "XX" stands for the carrier code). For toll-free or premium numbers such as 4004 or 0800, no carrier codes are necessary.

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