Menyiapkan tag Google dengan Shopify

Anda dapat mengukur data perilaku terkait situs dengan Google Ads dan Google Analytics. Ikuti langkah-langkah penyiapan tag untuk akun Google Ads atau Google Analytics dalam artikel ini. Pelajari lebih lanjut cara Menginstal tag dengan pembuat situs atau CMS.

Petunjuk untuk menyiapkan tag Google berbeda untuk ID tag yang diawali dengan "AW-" (biasanya, akun Google Ads) dan ID tag yang diawali dengan "ignored" (biasanya, properti Google Analytics). Ikuti petunjuk di bawah yang sesuai dengan tag Anda.

Sebelum memulai

Anda dapat mengintegrasikan akun Shopify dengan Google Ads atau Google Analytics secara gratis. Untuk menyiapkan integrasi, Anda memerlukan:

Jika Anda memiliki tag yang diawali dengan "AW-"

GIF ini menunjukkan cara menyiapkan integrasi tag Google dengan Shopify.

  1. Sign in to your Shopify account and download the “Google & Youtube” app.
  2. From your Shopify console, click the search bar and search “Google and YouTube”.
  3. You'll be taken to the Shopify App Store. Click Install to continue.
  4. Review the list of permissions required, then click Install to continue.
  5. If the app isn't connected to Google, click Connect Google account and choose the Google account that owns your Ads property.
This image represents the Google account setup process for connecting with Shopify
  1. Under the "Just want to set up Google Ads conversion measurement" banner, click Get Started.
This image represents the App setup process for connecting with Shopify.
  1. Select your "Google Ads account", then click Connect.
This image represents the step to connect Google ads account.
  1. Click Complete Setup.
This image represents the step to complete account setup process for connecting with Shopify
  1. Ensure conversion tracking is enabled. Your account is now sending conversion information to Google.
This image shows the step to switch on conversion tracking for the account.

Jika Anda memiliki tag yang diawali dengan "ignored"

GIF ini menunjukkan cara menyiapkan integrasi tag Google dengan Shopify.

  1. Sign in to your Shopify account and download the “Google & Youtube” app. 
  2. From your Shopify console, click the search bar and search “Google and YouTube”.
  3. You'll be taken to the Shopify App Store. Click Install to continue.
  4. Review the list of permissions required, then click Install at the bottom to continue.
  5. If the app isn't connected to Google, click Connect Google Account and choose the Google account that owns your Google Analytics property.
    This image represents the Google account setup process for connecting with Shopify
  1. Under the "Looking only to set up Google Analytics 4" banner, click Get Started. This image shows the step to connect Gtags from the Google Analytics account.
  2. Select your "Google Analytics property", then click Connect.
Note: If you plan on using Google Analytics to track free listings and ads conversions, check How to avoid duplicating tracking events to ensure that you do not duplicate conversion tracking.

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