[UA] Device Paths [Legacy]

See what devices users have, and the order in which they're used to access your content.
You are viewing a legacy article about Universal Analytics. Learn more about Google Analytics 4 replacing Universal Analytics.

You need to activate Google signals to use this report.

The Device Paths report shows you the sequence of device categories used to engage your content. With this report, you can discover the ways user move between devices as they engage with your content and progress towards conversion.

With this report, you might find that a specific segment of users with a User ID assigned engage with your content on multiple device types before converting, while another segment only uses one device type. For example, your most valuable users might move between devices frequently while less valuable users only engage and convert using one type of device. Depending on the segment, you could discover that Mobile interactions happen once or multiple times within a path, and leverage this data to improve your mobile strategy.

Use the data in the Device Path report to help you optimize the device-specific experience and ad strategy to match the engagement activity you expect users to take on that device at a certain step in the conversion process.

Using the Device Paths report

By default, the data table in this report displays the last 5 device interactions with at least 1 transition. Click Path Options to adjust the number of interactions and transitions within the paths that are displayed. You might, for example, only want to see paths with 4 device interactions with a minimum of 3 transitions to see the set of users with a greater number of touchpoints within the conversion process.

Laptops are included in the Desktop category. Any move from one desktop immediately to another desktop or laptop appear in the same step in this report. Learn more about the limits of User ID views

Click "Path Options" in the Device Paths report to customize your data.

Click to expand this image and see where these options appear in the interface.

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