[UA→GA4] Audiences migration guide [Legacy]

You are viewing a legacy article about Universal Analytics. Learn more about Google Analytics 4 replacing Universal Analytics.

By migrating audiences from your Universal Analytics property to your Google Analytics 4 property, you can identify the same user groups based on your Google Analytics 4 data and export those audiences to your linked Google Ads accounts to address the same use cases.


  • You can create 100 audiences per Google Analytics 4 property. Unlike with Universal Analytics audiences, audiences in Google Analytics 4 properties automatically update everywhere rather than requiring you to select the destination. If you need more audiences:
    • Combine Universal Analytics audiences in your Google Analytics 4 property.
    • Upgrade your Google Analytics 4 property to Google Analytics 360, which has a limit of 400 audiences.
  • Some dimensions in Universal Analytics aren't available in Google Analytics 4.

Migrate audiences

To migrate audiences, manually recreate the audiences in your Google Analytics 4 property. If you've created Universal Analytics audiences based on custom dimensions in your Universal Analytics property, you may need to create those same custom dimensions in your Google Analytics 4 property.

Add audiences to Google Ads

Migrating Universal Analytics audiences used in Google Ads lets you remarket to existing or previous users based on user actions on your website. Once you manually migrate audiences to your Google Analytics 4 property:

  1. Link your Google Analytics 4 property to Google Ads. Keep the default option to Enable Personalized Advertising so your audiences are available in your shared library in Google Ads and you can use them in ad campaigns.
  2. Add the Google Analytics 4 audiences to your campaign or ad group. Google Ads deduplicates users who are in both the Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 audiences. Make sure to:
    1. Go to the campaign or ad group where you deployed Universal Analytics audiences.
    2. Open the Audiences section.
    3. Add the Google Analytics 4 audiences to the targeting options in addition to the Universal Analytics audiences.

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