Troubleshoot AppSheet with Google Forms


You must be a Google Workspace user to build AppSheet automations with Google Forms. See Add AppSheet to Google Workspace.

If you are using your Google Workspace account, the Google Workspace Terms of Service govern your use of Google Forms. Otherwise, refer to the Google Terms of Service.

The following sections provide tips for troubleshooting issues when using AppSheet with Google Forms.

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Automation is not running 
If the automation is not running, check the automation monitor and Audit History logs (with the filter set to automation). Set the time range and check for runs and errors related to the Google Forms automation.

If the following error is logged:

Request had invalid authentication 

Then sign out of AppSheet and sign back in to refresh authentication.
If no runs appear for a bot based on a form event when the form is submitted, then the app owner might have lost access to the form. In this case, make sure that:
  • The app owner still has access to the form. See "How to check access to the form" (below).
  • The form is connected to the app.
Automation runs, but the email is not sent
If your automation runs, but the email is not sent, do the following:
  • Check that the application is deployed. An application that isn't deployed can only send email to the application owner. See Deploy: The Essentials.
  • Check the validity of the email address or expression used for the To field for the email task in the bot.

See also: Troubleshoot email

Error: Data table 'Travel Request' is not accessible

There are two issues that can result in the Data table <name> is not accessible error in an application view.

Use the code and message included in the error to determine the issue, as follows:

  • Code: 404, Message: File not found
    The application owner no longer has editor access to the form. See "How to check access to the form" (below).
  • Code: 401, Message: Request had invalid authentication credentials
    Authentication has expired or is revoked. Sign out of AppSheet and sign back in to refresh authentication.
How to check access to the form

To check access to the form, do the following: 

  1. Go to Data  .
  2. Select the form-based table in the left Data pane.
  3. Click View data source.
  4. Make sure that the app owner has editor access to the form, as described in Share your form with collaborators.

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