View and download your invoices

Campaign Manager 360 sends invoices on the first day of the month for the previous month's activity. If a campaign runs for more than one month, you'll get separate invoices for each month.

Invoices are emailed automatically to the invoice recipient lists on the first day of the month. If you have billing access, you can view, download, and manage your invoice on the invoices page in your Billing Overview page.

The Invoices Overview Page provides a real-time and customizable overview of your Campaign Manager 360 invoices.

This article explains how to:

To view the Invoices Overview, navigate to Admin > Billing.

Understand the Invoice Overview page

Total amount due and open invoices

Total amount due summarizes your open invoices by the following statuses:

  • Not due yet: Invoices that are open but not due soon
  • Due soon: Invoices that are coming due in the next 20 days
  • Overdue: Invoices that have become overdue
  • At risk: Invoices that have become overdue, and need to be paid to avoid suspension of services
  • Suspended: Invoices that need to be paid to reactivate suspended accounts

To find the specific invoices included in an amount, next to the amount, click View.

To find all of your invoices that are currently open, at the top right, click View open invoices.

This card only summarizes currently open invoices and debit memos. You can find information about open credits in the "Unapplied credits" card and the "Group by" cards.

Invoices in dispute

Invoices in dispute displays the number and total balance invoices currently under dispute. For example, invoices might be in dispute because you requested an invoice correction or rebill.

Any invoices currently under dispute are included in the "Total amount due" card, but an invoice currently under dispute isn’t shown as "At Risk" while the dispute is in progress. Invoices in this state don’t add to suspension risk.

Unapplied credits

Unapplied credits displays the number and total balance of unapplied credit memos across your accounts. If you have credits from any past unapplied payments, that credit balance will appear here too.

Credit memos can be used to reduce the balance due on an invoice. For example, a credit memo may represent a credit from invalid ad clicks or a courtesy credit.

Contact the Google Collections team ([email protected]) to apply a credit memo to an open invoice (be sure to specify the credit memo # and invoice # in your inquiry).

Group by

You can group your open invoices by Currency and Issue Month.

In the table, to find the specific set of invoices that represent that amount or category, click any of the blue text links. For example, you can find all of your unpaid Campaign Manager 360 USD & EUR invoices from January that are putting your accounts at risk of suspension.

Filtering your data

Click Show filter to filter by the following:

  • Currency
  • Issue month
  • Payments Profile

Tip: The filters you apply in the filter panel affects all data on the page.

Find all of your invoices and memos

To find all of your invoices and memos, open and closed, on the top right of the page, select View all invoices and memos. Here is where you can review specific invoices, bulk download all of your documents, etc.

You can search for specific invoices by criteria such as advertiser name and ID, campaign name and ID, and the issue month.

Manage and download invoices

Look at the details of an invoice

From the table of invoices, select the invoice you’d like to see details for. A pop-up will appear, showing you details like the invoice number, invoice amount, status, purchase order number, account details, and more. To close the pop-up, select the X in the top left.

To download your invoice, click Download in the top right of the invoice pop-up.

Sort your invoices

To show or hide columns in the table, click on the Manage columns icon above the table.

To sort the invoices in ascending or descending order, click the column header that you’d like to sort. Click the column header again to toggle between ascending and descending order.

Download your invoices

From the Invoice Overview page, click View open invoices or View all invoices and memos.

To download all the invoices, click on Download table.

To download only specific invoices, select the invoices you want and click on the download icon.

Understand your invoices

About credits and adjustments

There are some general categories of credits you may see on your invoice. Here is an example of an adjustment, although it may not appear on invoices exactly as written.

Credit adjustment or memo: A credit that was applied to your account. More specific information may be included on your invoice. In addition to the adjustment on the invoice itself, you may receive an additional credit memo document, with details about a reduction to the amount due from a specific invoice or payment account.

About when invoices are generated

Invoices are generated on the first day of the month for the usage that occurred in the previous month. For example, if your campaign ran from July 1st to July 31st, the invoice for that campaign will be generated on August 1st.

You can manage settings for invoices and billing from the "Billing profile" tab. Learn more about setting your advertiser's billing preferences.

Request a statement of account

If you can’t access your invoices in Campaign Manager 360, you can request a statement of account (SOA). The SOA shows which documents, such as invoices and credit memos, are open or overdue for an account.

Request a statement of account

The SOA can be requested individually, or automated to arrive monthly.

To request the SOA, email [email protected] with your payment profile (12-digit ID found on each invoice), or payment account ID (16-digit ID).

The SOA can also be run in Google Payment Center. Learn more about the statement of account in the Google Payment Center.

Details included in the statement of account

  • Invoice Number
  • Purchase Order (if applicable)
  • Product(s)
  • Billing Account ID (12 digit)
  • Document Type (Invoice, credit memo, debit memo)
  • Date of Generation
  • Due Date
  • Days Overdue
  • Original Amount Due
  • Remaining Amount Due

Run a report to compare usage and costs

To clarify amounts on your invoice, compare usage and billable costs using the billing report.

Haven't received your invoice?

If your invoice settings are accurate and you're listed as a recipient, but haven't received a recent invoice despite receiving them in the past, it's likely that your usage didn't meet the minimum billing threshold. You can verify this by checking the Invoice Overview page or running a Billing report for the relevant time period. If no invoice details appear, it means no invoice was generated for that specific date.

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