Demo Video

General Guidance

As a reminder, your demo video must show the following:

  • The end-to-end flow of your app including the OAuth grant process. Be sure to show all points of integration with the Google API you are requesting. For example, if there are multiple OAuth consent workflows, you must demonstrate each of these methods in your video.
  • The complete OAuth Consent Screen. The consent screen must also show the same exact scopes you are requesting (or you have already been approved for) when you submit your app for verification. Please ensure the language setting on the bottom-left corner of the consent screen is toggled to “English."
  • The app functionalities that utilize the requested OAuth scopes
Helpful tip! Voice or text narration highlighting the points above can greatly help facilitate our review. We suggest you use screen recording and/or video editing software to explicitly call out where the above criteria are met. 
Important: Not meeting these requirements can slow down the verification process. Please make sure your demo video has met the above criteria before including it in your submission.

Examples of Common Issues

Need further guidance on your demo video? Navigate to the relevant finding for targeted remediation instructions.

We are unable to access the video link that you provided

Respond to the email you received from the OAuth Verification team with an updated link to a video on YouTube, Google Drive, or otherwise accessible file. 

Helpful tip! This is also a great opportunity to make sure your submission meets all other demo video requirements (see "General Guidance"). Doing so will help expedite the remainder of the verification process.

Your demo video does not show the same application you submitted for verification

Update your demo video to represent the same application that you have submitted for verification. Your demo video must:

  • Show the application you have submitted for verification (including name, branding)

  • Demonstrates the complete OAuth consent workflow for the app

  • Clearly shows the OAuth Consent Screen which should include all the Google API scopes the app is requesting

  • Clearly demonstrates how each of the requested scopes is being used for the app's functionality

Helpful tip! This is also a great opportunity to make sure your submission meets all other demo video requirements (see "General Guidance"). Doing so will help expedite the remainder of the verification process.

Once you have created a demo video that meets the criteria above, reply directly to the email you received from the OAuth Verification team with a YouTube, Google Drive, or otherwise accessible  link to the updated demo video.

 Your demo video does not show the OAuth consent screen workflow

This issue indicates your demo video does not show the OAuth consent screen workflow for your app and requested scopes. Your demo video must show an OAuth consent screen workflow that: 

  • Demonstrates the complete OAuth consent workflow for the app

  • Clearly shows the OAuth Consent Screen which should include all the Google API scopes the app is requesting

  • Clearly demonstrates how each of the requested scopes is being used for the app's functionality

Please see demo video requirements (under "General Guidance") for more tips on submitting a complaint demo video.

Once updated, reply directly to the email you received from the OAuth Verification team with the new link to the updated video.

Important: your consent screen configuration must also meet Google branding guidelines. See the App Identity & Branding guidance for more information.
The video you submitted does not sufficiently demonstrate the functionality of your application

This issue indicates your demo video does not show how the requested scopes are being used by your app. Your demo video must clearly show:

  • The overall purpose of your application

  • How your app uses each scope requested on the OAuth consent screen . 

Please see demo video requirements (under "General Guidance") for more tips on submitting a complaint demo video.

Once updated, reply directly to the email you received from the OAuth Verification team with the new link to the updated video.

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