Elastifile best practices recommends to set the ownership_policy property to either 'local_node' or 'round_robin'.
The not recommended value is 'local_core' which might impact the cluster performance.
Check the current value
1. SSH to the Elastifile Management Server
2. Run the following commands:
sudo su -
. elfs_admin
elfs-cli system show --id 1 | grep ownership_policy
ownership_policy: local_core
Set the ownership_policy value
1. SSH to the Elastifile Management Server
2. Run the following commands:
sudo su -
. elfs_admin
elfs-cli system update --ownership_policy round_robin --id 1
If the above command does not work, you must upgrade your Elastifile system version
Validate the ownership_policy value
1. SSH to the Elastifile Management Server
2. Run the following commands:
sudo su -
. elfs_admin
elfs-cli system show --id 1 | grep ownership_policy
ownership_policy: round_robin