In ECFS versions 3.2.1.x, the Elastifile Load Balancer is implemented based on GCP routes.
Each route entry has a destination IP of the cluster VIP,
where the next hop is one of the Elastifile storage nodes in the backend.
Hence, the number of routes per cluster should be equal to the number of the cluster storage nodes.
The route name has the following name convention: elfs-route-<INSTANCE_NAME>
Health Check Routes Tests
Elastifile introduces Health check tests for common issues that might left in GCP project:
1. Number of Expected Routes
Check if the expected routes exist based on their name convention in the cluster network.
2.Number of VIP Routes
Check there are no miss/ redundant routes by checking how many routes point to the cluster VIP in the cluster network.
In case of any failure in the above tests, go to the GCP routes view, and filter them based on the cluster VIP or name.
Check for any errors that don't match the above expectations.