This article is for those who are interesting on working with python to run REST API commands against the Elastifile system.
In the code below you can find a general process and some functions.
In addition to that, there is a description of each function in the comments.
You can always refer to 'REST API Docs' for more details under the following link from your Elastifile web interface:
#! /usr/bin/python
import requests, json, time
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
user = 'admin'
password = 'changeme'
SECURITY_PREFIX = b')]}\',\n'
login = {'user': {'login': user, 'password': password}}
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
ems_ip = ''
dc_name = 'api'
size ='1000' #GB
size= int(size)*1024*1024*1024
# Creating a session against the Elastifile Management Server
response = ('https://{}/api/sessions'.format(ems_ip), data=json.dumps(login), headers=headers, timeout=10, verify=False)
cookies= response.cookies
# Creating a new data container
dc_payload = {'name':dc_name, 'soft_quota':size, 'hard_quota':size, 'policy_id':'1', 'dir_permissions':'755'}
new_dc = ('https://{}/api/data_containers'.format (ems_ip), data=json.dumps(dc_payload), headers=headers, timeout=10, cookies=cookies, verify= False)
new_dc_output = json.loads(new_dc.content[len(SECURITY_PREFIX):])
# Creating a new export to the data container
export_payload = {'name':'root', 'path':'/', 'user_mapping':'remap_all', 'data_container_id':new_dc_output['id'], 'uid':'0', 'gid':'0'}
new_export = ('https://{}/api/exports'.format(ems_ip), data=json.dumps(export_payload), headers=headers, timeout=10, cookies=cookies, verify= False)
# Listing the data containers in the system
r = requests.get ('https://{}/api/data_containers'.format(ems_ip), cookies=cookies, verify= False)
content= r.content
data_containers = json.loads(content[len(SECURITY_PREFIX):])
for dc in range(0,len(data_containers)):
print (str(data_containers[dc]['name']))