On January 9th, 2025, the Samsung A16 5G is launched on Google Fi. For steps on how to activate your new device, learn how to activate your Google Fi service.
The Samsung A16 5G comes with a pre-installed eSIM profile, which is Google Fi’s recommended activation flow. Although A16 supports pSIM, we highly encourage users to use the pre-installed eSIM profile or use the Google Fi app activation flow.
If you insert a pSIM before you complete the eSIM activation process, the device activates the pSIM and ignores the eSIM. However, you can still receive a notification that says “Your eSIM is ready to add. Tap here to add it to your phone so you can connect to the Google Fi network.”
You can ignore this message. If you reboot your device, the notification disappears. To make sure your Google Fi service works, learn how to activate your Google Fi service.
Tip: For further assistance, contact Google Fi.