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Voicemail basics and options

GFiber Phone provides a number of options for accessing your voicemail. You can listen to voicemail on your GFiber Phone and have transcriptions of voicemail delivered to your email address or Google Voice app. You can also use your own answering machine instead of GFiber Phone's voicemail, if you prefer.

Set up your voicemail and voicemail PIN

Setting up your voicemail

From your primary GFiber Phone, dial *99; then follow the prompts to set up voicemail.

Because GFiber Phone lets you add users to your account, you can have up to three users total, each with their own phone number and voicemail. For the second and third users/lines, use the call-out code followed by *99 to set up voicemail.

  • Second user: dial **2, and then dial *99
  • Third user: dial **3, and then dial *99

Want your answering machine to pick up calls?
By default, GFiber Phone voicemail answers calls after 25 seconds. If you prefer to have your answering machine pick up calls, set your machine to answer within 25 seconds. Two, three, or four rings are typically 10, 16, and 20 seconds, respectively.

Setting up your voicemail PIN

  1. Go to voice.google.com.
  2. In the top right, click Settings and then Account.
  3. Scroll to "Voicemail," and turn on Call to listen.
  4. Set a PIN.
  5. Click Save.
Check voicemail on your phone

From your primary GFiber Phone number, dial *99 and then follow the prompts to listen to your voicemail. If you're having trouble accessing your voicemails, you'll need to set your voicemail PIN

Get voicemail transcriptions in email or Google Voice

You can get transcriptions of your voicemail delivered to your email address or Google Voice.

  1. Go to voice.google.com.
  2. In the top right, click Settings and then Account.
  3. Scroll to "Voicemail," and turn on Get voicemail via email.

The Google Voice portal, which includes a toggle for "Get voicemail via email" and a toggle for "Voicemail transcripts."

Turn off GFiber Phone voicemail

Unfortunately, there's currently no way to disable GFiber Phone voicemail. However, you can always set up an answering machine to pick up your calls instead. Refer to the Google Voice Help Center article on how to archive or delete a message, call, or voicemail.

Delete a voicemail

View this Google Voice Help Center article on how to archive or delete a message, call or voicemail.

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