You can regenerate drafts for a Gemini app's responses and also modify its responses. For example, you can adjust the length, simplify the language and change the tone of a response.
Regenerate a response
Important: You can regenerate only the most recent response in a chat.
In the Gemini web app
- At the top of the response, tap View other drafts or Show drafts.
- To use an existing draft instead, tap it.
- After the drafts, tap Regenerate drafts .
In the Gemini tab in the Google app
- Below the response, tap More Other drafts.
- Swipe to the end of the drafts.
- To use an existing draft instead, below the draft, tap Use this.
- After the drafts, tap Regenerate .
Modify an entire response
In the Gemini web app
- Below the response, tap Modify response .
- Choose how you want the response to change:
- To adjust the length: Tap Shorter or Longer .
- To simplify the language: Tap Simpler .
- To change the tone: Tap More casual or More professional .
In the Gemini tab in the Google app
- Below the response, tap More Modify response .
- Choose how you want the response to change:
- To adjust the length: Tap Shorter or Longer .
- To simplify the language: Tap Simpler .
- To change the tone: Tap More casual or More professional .