New features and alerts to help set your campaigns up for success

October 27, 2020

Properly setting up campaigns is critical to the success of your ads. However, it’s not always easy to determine if your campaigns are set up correctly as you build them. That’s why we’re introducing several improvements to help you create new campaigns more effectively. 

Receive real-time alerts

If your campaign has any critical issues, you'll now receive an alert while setting it up. These are issues that could prevent your campaign from serving or running at its full potential, such as an invalid URL or location overlap.

Alert says "Your included and excluded locations overlap"

In addition to seeing these alerts in real-time, you’ll get a summary of all alerts in the review step:

Screenshot of campaign review

Pick up where you left off  

Draft campaigns will now save your progress automatically, making it easier to pick up where you left off. For example, let’s say that you’re building a campaign and need additional input on your budget. Now, you can save your draft campaign and circle back with your team. Once you have an approved budget, you can resume your work and publish the campaign. Return to your draft campaign by visiting the Campaign page, or find it on the Overview page.

Easily create campaigns, and view disapproved ads

You can now create a new campaign from the Overview page to help you build campaigns faster. Once you finish creating your campaign, you can then see if your ad has been disapproved on the Overview page. This can help you understand why the ad was disapproved, appeal the decision, and edit the ad directly.

These updates are currently available for Search campaigns and will expand to other campaign types in the coming months. 

For more tips on how to set up your campaigns for success, visit the Google Ads Help Center.

Posted by Jeannie Zhang, Product Manager, Google Ads

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