Check ad campaigns

After all the campaigns have been converted and sent to Google Ads:

  • Check the list to convert the campaigns, ad groups, keywords.
  • Check your ad campaign settings.

The list of advertising campaigns is located on the Campaigns page.


The new Google Ads experience only shows Campaigns with the “Active” status. By default, all campaigns are migrated with the “Paused” status.

To quickly search for Campaigns, use the “Search” or “Filter” window.

Steps to view migrated campaigns:

Note: The instructions below are part of the new design for the Google Ads user experience. To use the previous design, click the "Appearance" icon, and select Use previous design. If you're using the previous version of Google Ads, review the Quick reference map or use the Search bar in the top navigation panel of Google Ads to find the page you’re searching for.
Note: If you prefer to use the navigation panel on the left, click Change view in the top left of your Google Ads account.
  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Campaigns.
  4. Click the Views filter drop down menu at the top of the page.
  5. Under “Campaign types”, select All campaigns.
  6. Click the Campaign status filter in the Views filter bar.
  7. Select All.

This will show all the campaigns in the campaigns table. You can select all the campaigns with the “Paused” status or select the required campaign and continue checking.

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