A change to how Smart Bidding strategies are organized

April 20, 2021

Smart Bidding is a collection of four automated bid strategies that can help you reach your conversion and conversion value goals. Over the years, we've heard feedback that it isn't always clear which of these bid strategies is right for your business. To make it easier for you, we're changing how bid strategies are organized for Search campaigns to help you choose the right one.

Going forward, Target CPA and Target ROAS will be bundled with the Maximize conversions and Maximize conversion value bid strategies, respectively. This means that:

  • Maximize conversions will have an optional target CPA
  • Maximize conversion value will have an optional target ROAS

You'll still be able to use Target CPA and Target ROAS as bid strategies, and there will be no impact to their behavior due to this update. Using the optional target CPA and target ROAS fields will optimize your performance the same way Target CPA and Target ROAS bid strategies do today. You’ll start seeing these optional fields in the next few months as you create new bid strategies.

Table showing performance goals and bid strategies. For performance goals "Maximize conversions within a set budget" and "Maximize conversions to a target CPA", the updated bid strategy will be "Maximize conversions" with an option for target CPA. For performance goals "Maximize conversion value within a set budget" and "Maximize conversion value to a target ROAS, the updated bid strategy is "Maximize conversion value" with an option for target ROAS.

You can still create new Target CPA and Target ROAS bid strategies in the meantime. However, starting later this year you’ll only see the updated options: Maximize conversions with an optional target CPA, or Maximize conversion value with an optional ROAS.

Once this is in effect, we’ll provide advance notice before automatically switching your existing Target CPA and Target ROAS strategies to these new fields.

To learn more about these bid strategy updates, visit the Google Ads Help Center.

Posted by Neera Thavornvanit, Product Manager, Google Ads

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