Setting Smarter Search Bids

Bid strategies to help you meet your goals

Google Ads offers multiple automated bid strategies to help you reach your performance goals. These strategies can be applied to a single campaign, across a group of campaigns in an account (portfolio bid strategies), or across a group of campaigns in your manager account (cross-account portfolio bid strategies).

Smart Bidding conversion and value-based bid strategies

Business objective Bid strategy When to use it
Conversions Maximize conversions To get as many conversions as possible within a fixed budget.
Target CPA (Target cost-per-action) To get as many conversions as possible within a target cost-per-action goal.
Conversion value (Revenue, Profit, Lifetime Value) Maximize conversion value To get as much conversion value as possible within a fixed budget.
Target ROAS (Target return on ad spend) To get as much conversion value as possible within a target return on ad spend goal.

Awareness-based bid strategies

Business objective Bid strategy When to use it
Clicks/Traffic Maximize clicks To get the most clicks from your budget.
Awareness/Visibility Target impression share To show your ad on the absolute top of the page, on the top of the page, or anywhere on the page of Google search results.

On average, advertisers that switch from a Target CPA to a Target ROAS bid strategy can see 14% more conversion value at a similar return on ad spend.

Source: Google Internal Data, Global, 2021-03-16 to 2021-04-12.



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