About Travel Feeds in Search Ads

With Travel Feeds in Search Ads, Travel advertisers can now leverage Hotel Center feeds in Search campaigns. When you link your Hotel Center to Google Ads, Google will automatically enrich existing Search campaigns with prices, images, and more to help drive better performance.


  • Show your listing feed price and availability information in Search ad formats
  • Use the same feed data already available in Hotel Center and used by travel advertisers in hotel campaigns to enhance more ad types
  • Advertisers who participate in our full range of formats see up to a 20% increase in click-through rate (Source: Google internal data, Global, 05 May, 2024 – 30 May, 2024).

How it works

Travel Feeds in Search Ads uses your hotel ads feed data to feature hotels and booking links within your search text ads format. The hotel price shown and the landing page used for the format are automatically taken from your Hotel Center feed integration. Hotels from the feed are selected based on relevance to the ad, creative, and query.

Multiple designs are available as part of Travel Feeds in Search Ads, and Google determines which format is shown. Below are some example formats. Note, mocks are illustrative only and may not represent what is actually seen in production.

An image that represents the travel extension in Search ads. An image that represents hotel feeds in Search ads.

Setup Process

By linking your Hotel Center feed to a Google Ads account with Search campaigns, your Search campaigns are automatically eligible to show Travel Feeds in Search Ads. Data feed sharing controls enable you to specify account default and campaign level feed data sharing settings. Learn more about feed data sharing.

  • Things to note:
    • If you don’t have a Hotel Center account yet, learn how to create one through the Hotels starter guide.
    • If applicable, you can create subset feeds and link only the properties you select to your desired Google Ads account.
    • To differentiate clicks coming from travel ad formats, we recommend implementing URL parameters. Learn more about attribution for travel products.


To be eligible to use Travel Feeds in Search Ads, ensure that the price accuracy for your Hotel Center account is “Poor” or higher. If not, you can make the necessary adjustments flagged in your Hotel Center account before linking it to Google Ads. Learn more about price accuracy.


  • Countries:

    • United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, India, Taiwan, and Ireland.
  • Supported Languages:

    • English, German, French, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, and Turkish.

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