To help you drive more reach across YouTube, we’ve evolved video reach campaigns (VRC) for efficient reach to include an option to run In-feed and Shorts ad formats alongside in-stream (skippable in-stream, bumpers) using the multi-format ads selector.
Now we’re upgrading all video reach campaigns for efficient reach to multi-format ads when using the copy and paste function. When you make a copy of a previous video reach campaign for efficient reach with skippable in-stream and/or bumper ads, it'll retain all of the same settings, but will now leverage multi-format ads, which require headline and description. You'll also have the option to opt-in to In-feed and/or Shorts ad formats. If you make no changes to the multi-format ads selector, it'll continue to run as in-stream only.
Benefits of multi-format ads
- Ad formats: Video reach campaigns for efficient reach now use responsive ad groups, and include the option to opt-in to a mix of in-stream (skippable in-stream, bumpers), In-feed and Shorts ad formats. You can use the multi-format ads selector to select any combination of ad formats, but we recommend opting into all ad formats to maximise your reach across YouTube.
- Ad assets: In addition to a video and destination URLs, multi-format ads also require a 90-character headline and a 90-character description to be used on In-feed and Shorts ads. Headlines and descriptions are required regardless of whether your campaign is opted in to Feed and/or Shorts, as you can change your opt-in settings after you’ve created your campaign.
If you want to upgrade your video reach campaigns for efficient reach to multi-format ads with the same settings as your existing campaigns, you can copy the existing campaigns and paste them.
- In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon .
- Click the Campaigns drop-down in the section menu.
- Click Campaigns.
- Click the filter button above the statistics table.
- Add the appropriate filters to find the campaigns to be upgraded:
- Campaign type: Video
- Bid strategy type: Target CPM
- Click Apply. The table updates to show campaigns that match your filters. Above criteria will show video reach campaigns.
- Tick the box next to each campaign that you want to upgrade.
- From the 'Edit' drop-down menu, select Copy.
- Open the 'Edit' drop-down menu again, and select Paste. A paste menu appears above the statistics table.
- Select 'Change video ads to multi-format ads (responsive ads)'.
- Note: Hover over the X campaign to view the campaigns eligible for the upgrade.
- Enter a long headline and description for the ads.
Note: If you've multiple ads, they'll all use the same headline and description that you enter here. If you wish to use different headlines and/or descriptions for each ad, modify them after the upgrade is complete by editing the ads in the newly created video reach campaign.
- Click Paste. A new video reach campaign with responsive video ads is created and a confirmation message that says 'Your changes have been made' appears at the bottom of your window.
- To locate the newly created video reach campaign, navigate to the 'Campaigns' table in Google Ads. The newly created campaigns are labelled with 'Copied as multi-format (responsive)' under the 'Label' column in the 'Campaigns' table. You can use the filter button to search for specific campaigns by @their label name.