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Verify your Google tag

You can use Google Tag Assistant to check if the Google tag appears on your site and if it's recording and sending events to the Google product destinations.

On this page

Steps to verify your Google tag

  1. Sign in to your Google Tag Assistant.
  2. Sign in to your Google Account.
  3. Enter the link to your website.
    • for example: https://example.com
  4. View all the detected tags at the top. Check if your Google tag is showing up.
  5. In the Summary tab, check if the tag sent any events.
    • If relevant events are present in the Summary tab: Your Google tag is set up correctly.
    • If no relevant events are present in the Summary tab: Your tag may not be connected to your destination.
    • If your tag isn’t found: You may be experiencing issues with your website’s code or your measurement ID.

Next steps

Once you've set up your Google tag, make sure you configure the Google tag settings to send the data you need.

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