Combining automated bid strategies with audience segments for Search ads

To provide a comprehensive and consolidated view of your Audiences and make audience management and optimization simpler, you’ll find the following improvements in Google Ads:

  • New audience reporting
    Detailed reporting about audience demographics, segments, and exclusions is now consolidated in one place. Click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon and open the “Audiences, keywords and content” tab and click Audiences. You can also easily manage your Audiences from this report page. Learn more About Audience reporting.
  • New terms
    We’re using new terms on your audience report and throughout Google Ads. For example, “audience types” (these include custom, in-market, and affinity) are now referred to as audience segments and “remarketing” is now referred to as “your data”. Learn more about the Updates to Audience terms and phrases.
If your goal is to get more conversions, you can try using your data segments for Search ads, Customer Match, or Similar segments. All Smart Bidding strategies use signals from audience segments to improve your performance. These tools can be used together to help increase the number and quality of your conversions. Learn more about Smart Bidding

How they work together

When you add an audience segment to a campaign or ad group using automated bidding, you’re telling the bid strategy which people are most important to you. This helps the strategy optimize your bids and get you more conversions.


Let’s say you want to increase the number of people who sign up for your newsletter. You’ve found that people usually sign up on their second or third visit to your site. So first you set up a data segment for people who visited your site but didn’t sign up for your newsletter.

Then, after setting newsletter signups as a conversion, you use Maximize Conversions to automatically set bids for you and help maximize those conversions.

Then, when calculating a bid, Maximize Conversions will look at your data segment and increase your bid when one of the people on that segment uses one of your keywords.

For campaigns that use Smart Bidding, first-party audience segments added under the “Observation” setting will be used as signals for Smart Bidding strategies. Learn more about “Targeting” and “Observation” settings

How to set up automated bid strategies and data segments

  1. Set up conversion tracking.
  2. Create an audience segment that includes your website visitors and/or app users.
  3. Add data segments to your campaigns or ad groups to optimize performance of your bid strategy.
  4. Apply an automated bid strategy to your campaign.

What you should know

  • Smart Bidding will use your audience segments as signals to bid more efficiently and help get you more conversions and conversion value.
  • Smart Bidding also takes into account how long a member has been on your segment, and uses this data to optimize performance. As a result, you don’t need to categorize the segments based on duration when using automated bid strategies.
  • Bid adjustments work differently when you've applied a conversion-based automated bid strategy and the campaign or ad group contains multiple segments with overlapping users. Rather than adjusting your bids, your bid adjustments will instead prioritize the audience segment to which an impression, click, etc. will be attributed.

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