Understand the policy review for dynamic remarketing

Just like how standard ads and remarketing lists require review, the products in your dynamic remarketing feed must be reviewed before your dynamic remarketing ads can start showing. Dynamic remarketing doesn't allow products that violate the personalized advertising policy.

Before you begin

In addition to having an active global site tag and dynamic remarketing event snippet, your campaign must be active with at least one approved ad before policy review will complete. Although your ads won't run until your products are approved, you can still enable them beforehand so that they start showing as soon as the review is complete.

Check the approval status of a product review

In Google Ads, all issues with remarketing, including those for product reviews, are shown as Account status review alerts. These alerts contain descriptions and fixes for the issues. To check for blocks with specific campaigns:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Campaigns.
  4. From the Views bar at the top, select Display campaigns.
    Note: If you prefer to use the navigation panel on the left, click Change view in the top left of your Google Ads account.
  5. Select the campaign you'd like to view.
  6. The “Status review” card to the right of the chart will show up to 2 alerts towards issues with your campaign along with the number of how many more, if any.
  7. Click on an alert or VIEW at the bottom of the card to review the full list of alerts.
  8. In the full list of alerts, click on an issue to expand it for more information - including a description of the issue, a suggested solution, a list of items that the issue affects, and a link to learn more in addition to the option to email yourself the solution.
    • If you clicked on an alert to access the full list, that alert will automatically be expanded

It’s recommended to check your Account status alerts frequently, since issues blocking the product review process are reported as alerts in the Account status review as well.

Common issues on Policy Status for Feed items in Display Business Data Feeds

Make sure that nothing is blocking your feed item's review in the Google Ads Business Data.

Pending Review

Items can be in pending review state for the following reasons:

  1. Campaign is not active: To start the data feed policy review, your dynamic remarketing campaign must have:
    • An active account with correct billing information
    • An active ad group
    • Dynamic ads enabled.
    • An active feed linked to the campaign
  2. This is a new feed: It can take up to 4 business days (or longer depending on site traffic) for the policy review to complete.
  3. Items are not receiving sufficient views: Make sure that the global site tag and event snippet are implemented correctly. You can refer to About validations and alerts in the Google tag to learn more about remarketing tag validations and alerts. Keep in mind:
    • Products with a high number of visits recorded by the global site tag will be reviewed first, therefore products with low traffic may take longer to be reviewed.
    • Products with no hits won't be reviewed at all.

Disapproved feed items

For more information on how your product could be disapproved, check the Dynamic display ad requirements page.

For "Retail" business type only

Information on your feeds is contained in your Merchant Center account.Learn more about dynamic remarketing for retail

  1. Sign in to your Merchant Center account.
  2. From the three-dot menu, click Merchant Center programs.
  3. Click on the Dynamic remarketing card and select Get started.
  4. From the navigation panel, click Home.
  5. In the "Display products overview" card, you can review your product statuses.
  6. If your products have been disapproved, click Go to Diagnostics to view the reasons why.

Policy review for feed updates

When you're making changes to the products in your feed, keep in mind that certain changes will trigger a new policy review for that product. If you update any of the following attributes, the products will go through review again:

For retailers using Merchant Center:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Image
  • Landing page url

Other business types using Business Data:

  • Image
  • Final url
  • Tracking url template
  • Custom params

Changes to any other attribute will not trigger a new policy review.

Common product review issues

Ads Awaiting Review

Some of your ads are still under review
Alert message 3 ads in your ad group are currently being reviewed

None required. Wait until your ads are approved (usually within 1 business day).

If you created or edited your ad more than 1 business day ago and it's still labeled "Under review” or "Eligible," you can submit a request to review it.  Learn more

Disapproved ads

Your ads can't show unless they are approved by the policy team.
Alert message All ads in your ad group are disapproved

If there are policy issues, follow the links provided in the alerts to determine how to fix them for each of your ads. Once you edit your ads, they'll be sent for review again. For example, your ad may contain inappropriate content, misrepresent you or your product, solicit personal information, or violate a trademark. Learn more about fixing disapproved ads

Disapproved feeds

When items are disapproved, your dynamic ads won't include them.
Alert message <50%> of the items in your feed are disapproved

If there are policy issues, follow the links to determine how to fix them for each of your feeds. Once you edit your feeds, they'll be sent for review again. For example, your feed may contain inappropriate content, misrepresent you or your product, solicit personal information, or violate a trademark.

Use the Google Merchant Center "Diagnostics" page for Dynamic Remarketing to identify the disapproval reasons. Learn more about services to promote your products

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