About hotel campaigns in Google Ads

An example of a Hotel ads placesheet

Hotel campaigns let you bid for hotel ads that appear when a traveler searches for a hotel on Search or Maps. These ads appear in a hotel booking module that can show photos of the hotel, amenities, prices, and a link to book the hotel.

Getting started

As ads are dynamic, you'll need to provide, or work with an integration partner who provides, the following:
  • Hotel list (the hotels you want to advertise)
  • Prices (an up-to-date set of prices for different itineraries)
  • Landing pages (pages on your website that users arrive at when clicking on your ads)

The above items are managed in a Hotel Center account, which you will link to your Google Ads account in order to run hotel campaigns and manage your budget, campaigns, ad groups, hotel groups, bids, and reporting. If you don’t have a Hotel Center account, learn how to share your properties and rates with Google.


  • Attract travelers who are actively looking for a hotel in a particular area. Ads contain your company's name, hotel name, price, and text callouts to highlight the unique benefits of booking through your site.
  • Tailor a hotel's prices by a hotel's availability and traveler itineraries.
  • Send customers to a website to book.
  • Pay for an ad only when someone books a hotel, or fine-tune your bidding by factors such as device type, the traveler's country, or length of stay.

Where your ads appear

After someone searches for a hotel on Google Search, Google Maps, or YouTube, they'll find a hotel search module with hotel photos, names, prices, and a map. When they select a hotel, they'll find up-to-date prices and links to book that hotel for the dates and number of guests they select. Learn more about what makes up a hotel booking link

Available countries

Hotel ads appear globally, and can be displayed in every major language and currency. However, some countries have restrictions that apply. Learn more about understanding Google Ads country restrictions

Campaigns and budgeting

With hotel campaigns, you set specific budgets and can reach travelers based on their country of residence and the device they're using. Within a campaign, ad groups let you set specific bid adjustments based on the traveler's itinerary. Learn more about creating a hotel campaign

Within an ad group, hotel groups let you set base bids for hotels based on their attributes. Learn more about hotel groups

Note: You can also create campaigns, set bids, and manage your hotel groups using the Google Ads API.


With hotel campaigns, you can either bid when someone completes a booking or when they click on your ad:

Starting April 30, 2024, Commissions (per Stay) and Commissions (per Conversions) bid strategies will no longer be available for new Hotel Ads campaigns.

Active Hotel Ads campaigns with commissions-based bid strategies will continue to serve until February 20, 2025. Review Commission-based bid strategies in hotel ads to sunset to learn more about your next steps.

  • Commission (per conversion): You pay only when a traveler books your hotel, depending on the payment model you choose.
  • Commission (per stay): You pay only when a traveler completes a stay they booked through hotel ads. Available only to select partners.
  • Target ROAS (Return on ad spend): Optimize your bid and maximize conversion value based on real-time data.
  • Max CPC bid (fixed or percent): You pay when a traveler clicks on your ad. For the CPC bid strategies, you can adjust your bid by factors such as device type, traveler location, length of stay, and other factors.
  • Enhanced CPC (ECPC): Automates bid adjustments for a Max CPC bidding strategy.

Learn more about bidding for hotel campaigns

Ad Ranking

Ad ranking is determined by an auction in which Google considers partner bids and the quality of the ad. Factors that impact an ad's quality include but may not be limited to the accuracy of the partner's prices and how well the ad addresses the user's need.

Related links

If you need help with your booking links, contact us or request to chat with a support specialist.

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