Updates to mobile page speed score on the Landing Pages tab

February 19, 2019

Slow mobile pages can slow down your business. 53% of visits to a mobile site are abandoned if it takes more than three seconds to load.1In July we introduced the mobile speed score to let you quickly see which landing pages are providing a fast mobile experience, and which ones may require your attention.

We’ve recently updated the mobile speed score algorithm to require fewer ad clicks in order to calculate a score.This means you’ll now see a speed score for more of your pages. Evaluated on a 10-point scale, 1 being very slow and 10 being extremely fast, the mobile speed score is based on a number of factors, including page speed and potential conversion rate.

To improve your mobile speed score, consider adopting mobile technologies like Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). AMP pages typically load 85 percent faster than standard mobile pages.2 As a result, 90% of AMP pages see a high mobile speed score of 10.

Learn more about evaluating your mobile landing pages

Posted by Prashant Nair, Product Manager, Google Ads

1. Google Data, Aggregated, anonymized Google Analytics data from a sample of mWeb sites opted into sharing benchmark data, n=3.7K, Global, March 2016
2. Google Data, Global, April 2017

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