Get more from Recommendations with new features

September 25, 2019

Recommendations and optimization score help you prioritize your most impactful opportunities to improve account performance. In fact, advertisers who increased their account-level optimization score by 10 points saw a 10% increase in conversions on average.1 To make it even easier for you to act on these suggestions in your account, we’re introducing improved keyword recommendations, a new workflow, and bulk actions.

Improved keyword recommendations

We’re improving the relevancy and quality of your keyword recommendations–and they’ll only be suggested if they’re projected to drive additional traffic beyond your existing keywords. In addition, keyword recommendations can now contain broad match modifiers.

Digital marketing agency Effective Spend (a finalist for Google Premier Partner Awards 2019) regularly uses these new keyword recommendations to save time and cover their most relevant search terms.

“The updated keyword recommendation tool has been a highly useful addition to the Recommendations page for our agency. The increased specificity in match type and ad group suggestions have made adding these terms a breeze, and decreased our time allocated to adding new keywords to our current campaign structure.”
- Paula Thompson, Digital Media Director

Recommendations table view

To make it easier for you to view your recommendations and their expected impact, we’ve added a new table view format. You can toggle between the new table view and original card view in the upper right hand corner of the Recommendations page. This new table format helps you prioritize your recommendations at scale with the following features:

  • View and sort your recommendations by largest optimization opportunity
  • See how much your optimization score will change if you adopt a recommendation
  • See a breakdown of scoring and recommendations by campaign
  • Download the table view into Excel

Bulk apply and dismiss for manager accounts

It can be time consuming to apply each recommendation individually–especially when you have them in multiple campaigns and accounts. To make this process faster, you can now bulk apply or dismiss recommendations at the manager account level2 with a single click.

Head to the Recommendations page to check out these new features. Learn more about maximizing your optimization score directly from Google Ads product experts by watching this webinar or reading our best practices guide.

Posted by Josh Moser, Product Manager, Google Ads

1. Internal Google data. Only for Search campaigns.
2. Up to 100 MCC accounts

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