The total number of people in your target demographics and location. For media plans in Reach Planner, population data is based on:
- Census population: The total number of people in your target demographics and location based on census data.
- Digital population: The total number of people in your target demographics and location who reported using the Internet in the last 30 days.
- TV population: The total number of people in your target demographics and location who reported watching TV in the last 30 days.
- YouTube population: The total number of people in your target demographic that can be reached by ads on YouTube during an average 30-day period. Population isn’t shown for sub-locations or audiences.
In Reach Planner, changing the population updates:
- The reach percentage
- The population size
- The 'Target Rating Point' (TRP) and 'Cost per (target rating) point' (CPP) metrics
Population size doesn’t affect the number of people that your media plan can reach. Your plan's total reach could be greater than a selected population size.