Optimisation score provides personalised recommendations, so you can determine if your account is set up to capture its full potential. To help you optimise your accounts at scale, recommendations and optimisation score are now available in manager accounts for up to 1000 accounts.
In this view, you can easily manage multiple accounts and identify opportunities for efficiency or growth. You can also click into your optimisation score for individual accounts to apply recommendations that help you meet your marketing objectives.
Wpromote, a leading digital marketing agency, uses optimisation score to improve performance across multiple accounts. After applying recommendations, they saw conversions increase by 20%. Angelo Lillo, General Manager at Wpromote, said that optimisation score provides “an additional set of eyes on our account performance, and a way to roll out changes at scale.”
To view your recommendations and optimisation score in your manager account, visit the Recommendations page. Starting today, you can download your recommendations at the manager account level and individual account level.
Learn more about optimisation score in the Google Ads Help Centre.
Posted by Tin Acosta, Product Manager, Google Ads