Note: Promotional content is available for apps that meet our eligibility criteria for premium growth tools.
The Promotional content event page provides an overview of how your events are performing. You can see a breakdown of all your current and past events, create new events and dive deeper into reports for specific ones.
View your promotional content's overall performance
The 'Overall performance' section provides two scorecards to show the overall impact of your promotional content. Learn how to evaluate your promotional content event performance.
Understand the events tables
You'll find two tables on the promotional content event page:
- Events: Draft, scheduled or live events
- Previous events: Expired or stopped events
Both tables are expanded by default so that you can easily see and compare your events. You can collapse the tables using the controls above them.
The event tables contain the following information:
- Event name: An internal name that you provide for your reference.
- Event ID: A unique identifier generated by Google Play.
- Event type: The event type that you've chosen for the event. Learn more about promotional content types.
- Start date/end date: The start and end dates and times for your event in coordinated universal time (UTC)
- Total unique viewers/total unique converters:
- In the events table for draft, scheduled or live events:
- Total unique viewers: The total number of unique Google Play users who saw your promotional content card each day over the past 28 days.
- Total unique converters: The total number of unique users who clicked Open, Update or Install on your promotional content card each day over the past 28 days.
- In the previous events table for expired or stopped events:
- Total unique viewers: The total number of unique Google Play users who saw your promotional content card each day for the past 28 days leading up to the event's end date.
- Total unique converters: The total number of unique users who clicked Open, Update or Install on your promotional content card each day for the past 28 days leading up to the event's end date.
- In the events table for draft, scheduled or live events:
- Status:
- Draft: Event saved in draft.
- Not started: Event submitted but not yet started.
- Live: Event submitted and currently live.
- Stopped: Event cancelled.
- Expired: Event finished.
- Sub status:
- ⚠️1 issue: This event doesn't meet our content quality guidelines in one or more languages. Track and fix submissions that do not meet content guidelines.
- View event analysis: To select the event in promotional content reporting and analyse its performance.
- Preview event: To see a realistic representation of the event and QR code to view on device.
- Note: This includes a shareable URL to share with colleagues.
- View event details: To view the metadata for each event variation across languages.
- Copy event: To create an exact replica of the event saved with a new event name and event ID.
- Prerequisite: Review the content quality guidelines to ensure that this event is sufficiently different from the original. You cannot have events that are identical or very similar to each other live at the same time.
- Stop event: To stop a live event.