요청한 페이지는 현재 사용 중인 언어로 제공되지 않습니다. 페이지 하단에서 다른 언어를 선택하거나 Chrome에서 기본 제공되는 번역 기능을 사용해 웹페이지를 원하는 언어로 바로 번역할 수 있습니다.

Where your rates appear

Travelers will view your rates and availability via free booking links in Google Search, Google Maps, and YouTube. Learn more about how travelers find hotel booking links

When a traveler searches for your hotel, Google will show your hotel prices in the currency of the user’s regional settings.

For users in the United States and Canada, Google highlights the value of the base rate without taxes and fees more prominently. In all other countries, the total price (which includes taxes and other fees) is more prominently shown. However, all travelers have the ability to view prices with or without taxes and fees using a selector on Google. Google reserves the right to amend the way in which it displays prices to comply with local law or other requirements.

Once the traveler clicks on your free booking link in the Google search or YouTube result, they will be directed to your website to complete the booking process. The traveler will be charged in the currency supported by your Internet Booking Engine.

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