If you want to report a problem or let us know about something that’s missing from Gallery, please send us feedback.
When to send feedback
Here are some things you might want to contact us about:
Something is broken or not working well
You have suggestions for things that should be added to Gallery
You are having trouble using a feature
How to send feedback
In your feedback, try to share as much detail about the problem or suggestion as you can. Please note that we can’t respond individually to every piece of feedback, but we do use your comments to improve Gallery for everyone and will reach out if we want to clarify your request or can resolve an issue.
On your computer, open Gallery.
If you'd like to include a screenshot to describe your issue, open the browser to the page with the issue.
In the top right, click the menu.
Click Report an Issue .
A feedback form will appear. Follow the instructions to submit your feedback.