
This help center shows articles applicable to Merchant Center Next. Learn more about the upgrade and get answers to frequently asked questions.

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

Use the additional image link [additional_image_link] attribute to provide more images for your product beyond the main image you provide in the image link [image_link] attribute. Additional images for your product can appear to potential customers and are commonly used to show a product from different angles or with product staging elements.
Example ad that shows where additional images can appear with your product

In this article

When to use

Optional Optional for each product


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure Google understands the data you're submitting. Learn when and how to submit your product data in English

Type URL (including http or https), ASCII characters only, and RFC 3986 compliant
Limits 0–2,000 characters
Supported file formats

JPEG (.jpg/.jpeg), WebP (.webp), PNG (.png), GIF (.gif), BMP (.bmp), and TIFF (.tif/.tiff)

The file extensions for these images should correspond to their format.

Repeated field (What's this?) Include up to 10 additional images
File format Example value
Text feeds

To submit one image, submit the (encoded) URL:

To submit more than one image (up to 10), separate each URL with a comma ( , ):,

Make sure to encode any commas (as %2C) within the URL, but don’t encode the comma that you use to separate each image URL:,

To submit multiple image URLs as a single value, enclose the comma-separated URLs with quotation marks (“”):


Note that quoted values are treated as a single value, which means that the values within the quotes will not be interpreted as separate additional values. Learn more about Quoted attributes.

XML feeds

<g:additional_image_link> </g:additional_image_link> <g:additional_image_link> </g:additional_image_link>

To format your data for Content API, see the Content API for Shopping resource. Learn more about the additional_image_link attribute in Content API.

Note: To ensure that this product data attribute gets recognized by our system correctly, remember to submit your data source file in a format that we support.

Minimum requirements

These are the requirements you'll need to meet to show your product. If you don't follow these requirements, we'll disapprove your product and let you know in your Merchant Center account.

Green checkmark Meet the requirements for the image link [image_link] attribute. The additional image can also:
  • Include product staging or show the product in use.
  • Highlight parts of the product without showing the entire product.
  • Show parts of a bundle instead of showing all products in the bundle. When you submit a custom bundle of products, use the bundle [is_bundle] attribute.
  • Display the entire multipack. When you submit a custom multipack of products, use the multipack [multipack] attribute.
Red X

All images created using generative AI must contain meta data indicating that the image was AI-generated (for example, the IPTC DigitalSourceTypeTrainedAlgorithmicMedia metadata tag). Don't remove embedded metadata tags such as the IPTC DigitalSourceType property from images created using generative AI tools, for example Product Studio. The following IPTC NewsCodes specify the type of digital source that was used to create the image, and should be preserved:

  • TrainedAlgorithmicMedia: The image was created using a model derived from sampled content.
  • CompositeSynthetic: The image is a composite that includes synthetic elements.
  • AlgorithmicMedia: The image was created purely by an algorithm not based on any sampled training data (for example, an image created by software using a mathematical formula).

Best practices

These best practices can help you go beyond the basic requirements to optimize your product data for performance.

  • Follow the best practices for the image link [image_link] attribute.
    For example, do not submit:
    • Brand-only or logo images
    • Blurry or misshapen images
    • Images with a watermark, or text not relevant to the image such as trademark or store info
  • Submit images that meet the size requirements. If you include images that are under the minimum size requirements, your product won’t be disapproved, but your images won’t be shown.
  • Use additional images to show the product from different angles or the product being used. For example, if the main image shows product packaging, including images of the box contents in the additional images can help customers better understand what they are buying.
  • Use lifestyle images. Lifestyle images submitted with the lifestyle image link [lifestyle_image_link] attribute are used to showcase your product in a real world context, for example, clothing worn by a model, furniture staged within a room, multiple products displayed as a complete set, or products shown with vivid background colors or presented in playful situations. Read more about lifestyle images
Note: You can increase resolution, remove backgrounds, and generate a scene for your products using Product Studio which is available for Merchant Center Next users and within the Google & YouTube app in Shopify.


Product with one additional image



Additional product information

Image link [image_link]

Only the couch on a white background

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

The couch with two pillows and a living room setting

Product with three additional images



Additional product information

Image link [image_link]

Only the ring on a white background

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

Only the ring on a white background from a different angle

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

The ring on a model wearing a matching outfit

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

The ring inside its gift box packaging

An example showing how additional images can appear alongside the main image



Additional product information

Image link [image_link]

Only the pie pan on a white background

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

The end product - a slice of pie on a plate

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

The baker holding the finished pie in the pan

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

The pie pan in close up showing the finished pie




Additional product information

Bundle [is_bundle]



Image link [image_link]

All products in the bundle on a white background

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

Only the camera body on a white background




Additional product information

Multipack [multipack]


Image link [image_link]

Only one bar of soap on a white background

Additional image link [additional_image_link]

Three bars of soap on a white background

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