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Reasons why the issue is happening
The store code that you submitted in your local inventory data is blank. Your submitted store code must match one of the store's existing codes you have linked to your Merchant Center. Ensure that your feed contains accurate store codes in all cases.
How to fix the issue
Go to Products in the Merchant Center, then select view data sources on the top of the product list.
Click on Supplementary sources and click on your local inventory data source.
Select the Download icon to download a list (.csv) of all affected products for all issues or this particular issue. Open the file and filter by error “Missing store code”.
Add the store codes to the inventory data
- Identify which store the inventory belongs to.
- Add the existing store code provided in your Business Profile to the matching inventory.
Reupload your corrected product data to the Merchant Center using your chosen upload method.
Note: It can take up to 24 hours to sync your business locations into your Merchant Center account, so we recommend that you upload your inventory data 24 hours after linking accounts, or after a store code is updated in your Business Profile.