In this article
Reasons why the issue is happening
One or more of the values that you’ve submitted for the tax [tax] attribute (or in the Merchant Center account-level tax settings) for products targeting the United States is lower than the tax charged for these products on your website.
How to fix the issue
For products targeting the United States, don't include any taxes in the price [price] attribute. Use the account-level settings and the tax [tax] attribute to provide applicable rates for taxes such as a Goods and Services Tax (GST), value-added tax (VAT), sales tax, or import tax.
If you can't provide the exact tax information, you can overestimate the average tax rate that users visiting your website would be charged.
Check the warning email for examples of products that are affected. | |
Review your account-level tax settings and the tax [tax] attribute information in Merchant Center. You can specify tax information at the account level or the product level. In many cases, an account-level setup for taxes should be sufficient. If you have a more complex setup, you can use product-level overrides. | |
Once you’ve addressed the problem, update your product data to match your website. |
Next steps
If your account or product gets disapproved you can either fix the problem and request a review, or disagree with the issue and request a review. There may be additional steps you can take, such as verification options, depending on the issue.
If the review is successful, your issue will disappear. In some cases, there's a limit on how many reviews you can request. This limit will be specified.
If the disapproval remains and you’re uncertain with how to proceed, contact us for support.