How to fix: CSS not selected for free listings

The Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) this Merchant Center account is associated with hasn't been selected to represent the merchant for free product listings on Google in Europe. Each merchant domain can select only one CSS to represent them for free listings on Google in Europe. If you submit products to free listings in a Merchant Center account associated with a different CSS than the one selected to represent you for free listings, the account will be disapproved with “CSS not selected for this destination”.


How to select a CSS to represent a merchant for free listings

If you're a merchant and wish to change the CSS that's representing you for free listings on Google in Europe, you can change your selection in the CSS dashboard. This dashboard is available in the Merchant Center account where you have claimed your website. To find it:

  1. In Merchant Center, under "Your business", click on the Comparison Shopping Services tab.
Note: Not all CSSs offer the possibility to show products on free listings. Only CSSs that offer this service can be selected.

How to handle accounts that are associated with a different CSS

As a merchant, if you've selected another CSS to represent you for free listings on Google, you can work with the excluded destination [excluded_destination] attribute to exclude this destination for product offers in your other CSS account.

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