
A Percent, nossa parceira de verificação de organizações sem fins lucrativos, mudou de nome para Goodstack. Saiba mais sobre como funciona a parceria do Google para organizações sem fins lucrativos com a Goodstack.

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Sign-up for the nonprofit newsletter

Every quarter Google sends out a newsletter with updates about nonprofit-specific opportunities, programs, and initiatives. You don't have to have a Google for Nonprofits account to receive the newsletter, anyone can sign up. To sign up for the newsletter, follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Check the box next to Newsletters and click Save.
  3. You will receive an email from Google with the subject: "Confirm you want to receive Newsletters from Google for Nonprofits." In this email, click Yes, I want to receive Newsletters.


You are now signed-up to receive Google's nonprofit newsletter.


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