Creating a new note
There are several ways to create new notes in NotebookLM:
- Save a model response to notes - If you receive a response that you like, click the pin in the response box to save the response to Notes. Saved response notes are not editable once created.
- Save a quotation or summary from one of your sources - While reading a source, select text that you want to save, and choose either Add to note or Summarize to note to create a new note. These saved notes also are also not editable.
- Use existing notes to create a new note - Select notes and choose one of the suggested actions to create a new note based on their content. For example, select all your notes and choose Create study guide.
- Write a new note - In the upper-right corner of the Notes section, click Add note. You can write or paste text into this note.
Using writing tools
While writing a note, you can use NotebookLM’s suggested actions to help you improve both the style and substance of your prose. Just select text in the note and choose one of the suggested actions.