Audio Overviews are lively “deep dive” discussions between two AI hosts who summarize key topics in your sources. Note that Audio Overviews are not meant to be a subjective view of a topic of the AI hosts, but simply a reflection of the source content that you have uploaded.
How to generate an Audio Overview:
- Open an existing notebook (or create a new one and upload some sources)
- Open the Notebook guide
- Click on the Generate button in the Audio Overview section within the Studio panel on the right
- Alternatively, you can click on the Customize button and add a steering prompt to help the audio focus on a specific topic. You can input a steering prompt that is 500 character long max.
- Wait for several minutes
- Note: you need edit access to a notebook in order to generate or delete an Audio Overview.
How to load an Audio Overview:
Only applicable to notebooks that have previously generated Audio Overviews
- Open an existing notebook
- Click on the Load button in the Audio Overview section within the Studio panel on the right
- Wait for several seconds
How to share an Audio Overview:
- Option #1: Generate an Audio Overview, then share it by clicking on the share icon in the audio player and generating a public share URL.
- Public sharing is only enabled for consumer accounts, and currently disabled for Workspace Enterprise or EDU accounts
- Only notebook owners and editors are able to generate a public share URL for the generated audio, and they can later turn off public sharing by toggling off Public access in the sharing panel
- Once an audio is deleted or regenerated, any previously generated public share URL will no longer work
- Option #2: Generate an Audio Overview, then share the entire notebook with another user. They will be able to load the same Audio Overview in the Studio panel.
- Option #3: Download the Audio Overview through the Download button within the three dots on the player and share the downloaded audio.
How to interact with an Audio Overview (Beta):
- Create a new Audio Overview.
- Tap the new Interactive mode (BETA) button.
- While listening, tap Join. A host will call on you.
- Ask your question. The hosts will respond with a personalized answer based on your sources.
- After answering, they'll resume the original Audio Overview.
- Audio Overviews (including the voices) are AI-generated, so there might be inaccuracies and audio glitches.
- Audio Overviews are only in English at this moment.
- It can take a few minutes to generate an Audio Overview (feel free to do other things while generation is in progress).
- You can’t interrupt the AI hosts yet to join the conversation.
- Interactive mode:
- Your voice and transcribed interactions with the hosts will not be stored.
- Clicking on the share / download buttons will share / download your original Audio Overview. Other users will not be able to interact with your Audio Overview via the share link.
- There may be a slight delay in starting to play the initial content, after you hit the join button, or after you speak to the hosts.
- There may be some audio glitches (random speaker switches, third voice, voice glitches).
- This feature is only available for newly generated Audio Overviews.