Manage a Google Ads Performance Max campaign with listing groups

You can use listing groups ​within your Google Ads Performance Max campaign's asset group to specify which products you want to be served up in your Performance Max campaign ads. Listing groups are made up of listings, which currently includes both products and collections (groups of products, assets, and rich retail data that represent a category landing page on your website),.and are organized by the attributes assigned to them in Merchant Center.

Learn more about managing Performance Max campaigns with listing groups in the Google Ads Help Center.

 Create a listing group subdivision

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, click Campaigns
  3. In the table, click the name of the Performance Max campaign for which you want to create a listing group subdivision.
  4. On the page menu, click Listing groups
  5. In the table, hover over the name of the listing group you want to subdivide and click the plus icon
  6. Click on the dropdown next to “Subdivide [name of listing group] by” and choose a product attribute to define your new listing group.
  7. After you select the attribute to subdivide by, you'll see a list of possible subdivisions. Select the checkbox next to each possible subdivision to add the subdivision to your listing group.
    • As you select categories, they appear in a list to the right, which also shows the total number of listings in the selected categories. For example, if you sell planters and select "Category", then you might see the following subdivisions: "Inside", "Outside", and "Decorative".
  8. Click Save to confirm your listing group subdivisions.

If you want to use more than one attribute to define a listing group, first create the current subdivision, then repeat the steps above.

Edit a listing group subdivision

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, click Campaigns.
  3. In the table, click the name of the Performance Max campaign that contains the listing group you want to edit.
  4. On the page menu, click Listing groups
  5. In the table, hover over the name of your listing group and click the pencil icon Pencil icon / edit icon.
  6. On the "Select listing groups" page, make your changes. 
  7. If you want to edit bids, click Continue to edit bids. Otherwise, click Save without editing bids.

Remove a listing group subdivision

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, click Campaigns.
  3. In the table, click the name of the Performance Max campaign that contains the listing group subdivision you want to remove.
  4. On the page menu, click Listing groups
  5. In the table, hover over the name of your listing group and click the pencil icon Pencil icon / edit icon.
  6. Deselect the checkboxes for each subdivision you want to remove.
  7. Click Save without editing bids (or Save if you have removed all subdivisions).
    • Alternatively, click the remove icon Delete in the right-hand column next to each subdivision that you want to remove. If you want to remove all subdivisions, click Clear all above the column. Then click Save without editing bids (or Save if you have removed all subdivisions).

Exclude a listing group subdivision

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, click Campaigns.
  3. In the table, click the name of the Performance Max campaign that contains the listing group subdivision you want to exclude.
  4. On the page menu, click Listing groups
  5. Click the dot next to the listing group or subdivision name, then select Exclude
    • Alternatively, select the checkbox for the listing group or subdivision, click Edit above the table, and then select Exclude.

Filter listing groups

Filter your listing groups to search for the data that interests you the most, like clicks, conversions, or the average cost-per-click (CPC). Once you've created a filter, you can save it for easy access in the future.

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, click Campaigns.
  3. In the table, click the name of the campaign that includes the listing groups you want to filter.
  4. On the page menu, click Listing groups.
  5. Click the filter icon  above the table.
  6. Choose the conditions for your filter, then click Apply. The table automatically updates to show you the data that matches your filter.
  7. To return to an unfiltered view of your table, click the X next to each filter condition.

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