About cross-channel remarketing in the new Search Ads 360

Search Ads 360 can work with search and social engines to build segments of customers who click your search, social, or display ads. Once the Search Ads 360 segments contain enough users to satisfy your platform's requirements, you can use them to re-engage your customers on your other platforms, such as Facebook or Google Ads.

Remarketing for search and social ads

Here's an overview of how the new Search Ads 360 helps coordinate cross-channel remarketing on search, social , and display channels:

  1. First, in the new Search Ads 360, you create labels and attach them to campaigns, ad groups, ads, or keywords relevant to your remarketing segment. Then you create a remarketing segment and indicate which ads should be used to build an audience for that segment.

    For example, you can specify that search ads focused on the safety features of a car should build an audience for the "Safety-conscious" remarketing segment, while search ads that focus on a car's performance should build audiences for a "Performance" segment.

  2. Next, in your other platform,  you create a parallel remarketing list, and then set up rules that automatically add customers to the platform's list if the customer clicked an ad in a Search Ads 360 remarketing segment. This step isn't necessary for Google Ads accounts in the same sub-manager account. Search Ads 360 can automatically create a remarketing list for search ads (RLSA) that is shared in the sub-manager account.

  3. Search Ads 360 adds a URL parameter named ads_rl to the landing page URLs of the ads you specified in the previous step. The parameter identifies the remarketing list the ads are helping to build. Make sure your landing page URLs are ready for this parameter.

  4. On the ad's landing page, you add a remarketing tag generated by the search or social engine. When a customer lands on this page, the special URL parameter added by Search Ads 360 tells the engine to add the customer to its remarketing list. 

Once you start building an audience, you can sign into the other platform and use the list to target ads to interested customers. Note that for Google Ads remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA), you can set up targeting either in Google Ads or in Search Ads 360.

How does Search Ads 360 add the ads_rl parameter?

To build an audience of customers who click specific ads, Search Ads 360 adds a URL parameter named ads_rl to the ads' landing page URLs. Remarketing rules you set up use the value of the parameter to add customers to a specific remarketing list.

In social engine accounts and search accounts that don't support parallel tracking, Search Ads 360 adds the ads_rl parameter to the ad's landing page URL just before redirecting to the landing page. That is, when a customer clicks your ad, the click is redirected to Search Ads 360. Search Ads 360 adds the ads_rl parameter to the ad's landing page URL, and then redirects the click to the landing page.

In search engine accounts that do use parallel tracking, here's how the ads_rl parameter is added to landing page URLs:

  1. When you create a remarketing list in Search Ads 360, Search Ads 360 creates a custom parameter that looks like one of the following:
    • {_dscarmktdsmrktparam}=ads_rl=9876543
    • {_dsagrmkt}=ads_rl=123456
    • {_dsagarmkt}=ads_rl=24680
    • {_dsagcrmkt}=ads_rl=13579
    • {_dscarmkt}=ads_rl=9876543
  2. Search Ads 360 adds the custom parameter to a Final URL Suffix in the platform account and trafficks the changes to the platform.
  3. When the platform serves an ad, it appends the Final URL Suffix to the final URL and provides a value for each of the the custom parameters. For example, the landing page URL will look something like this:

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