SA360-Analytics reporting: Add Analytics columns to reports

By default, the new Search Ads 360 provides several columns for reporting metrics from Analytics.

You can also create custom columns in the new Search Ads 360, called Analytics activity columns, to report on specific conversions.

After you add columns, you can download and schedule reports that contain the data.

Add Analytics metrics columns to the new Search Ads 360 reporting tables

  1. In the new Search Ads 360, navigate to a page that contains campaigns, ad groups, keywords, or other items for which Analytics metrics are available. For example, navigate to a campaign and click the Keywords tab.
  2. Below the performance-summary graph, click the Columns button to access the column selection tool.
  3. In the "Modify columns for campaigns" list, click Google Analytics and select individual or all metrics columns.

Create custom columns to track specific Google Analytics 4 activities

To report on the Ecommerce transactions and conversions that you've created in Google Analytics 4, you can create custom Google Analytics activity columns.

To create a new Analytics-activity column and select the attribution model:

  1. Navigate to a reporting table. For example, navigate to a campaign and click the Keywords tab.
  2. Above the performance-summary graph, click the Columns button.
  3. In the Modify columns list, click + Custom column > + Custom conversion column.
  4. Enter a name for the column and optionally a description.
  5. Under "Owner", choose the sub-manager you want as the owner.
  6. Under "Conversion action", click Google Analytics, then select the conversion actions you want.
  7. Under "Metric", select the metric you want to see for the conversion action.
  8. Select the counting method you want to use for the conversion action:
    • By click time: Count your conversions based on the day the ad interaction occurred.
    • By conversion time: Count your conversions based on the day the conversion occurred (only available for conversions after March 6, 2019).
  9. Optionally, under "Custom variable", select a custom variable to use as filter for which conversion actions you want.
  10. Click Save to add the column to your reporting table.
  11. Under "Your columns", drag the new column to the desired location.
  12. Click Apply.
    The new column appears in your reporting table.

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